National Honor Society
Qualification Review
The Moon Chapter of the National Honor Society qualification review and application process for new members typically begins in February.
The requirement for initial qualification into the National Honor Society is a Cumulative QPA of 3.5 or higher. Only sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible to apply.
Application Process
- Letters will be mailed to home addresses of eligible sophomores, juniors and seniors to apply for membership in February. Invitation Letters will contain:
- Invitation Letter from Principal
- MAHS National Honor Society Requirements and Qualifications
- Candidate Request Form (Signature).
- Interested student who has received invitation must return the Candidate Request Form as per indicated in the Invitation Letter.
- Students character and Information Collection Forms will be reviewed by the NHS Selection Council (consisting of faculty).
- All student seeking admission will be notified by mail as to their status once the selection process has been completed.
- Students not selected will be provided information of the appeal process in their denial letter.
- The NHS Induction Ceremony typically takes place in April.
Questions may be directed to the Faculty Sponsor, Mrs. Elizabeth Orlovsky,
MAHS Chapter of the National Honor Society
2025 Qualifications for Membership
- Students must have and maintain a 3.5 CQPA (Cumulative Quality Point Average)
- Students must have participated in a minimum of 5 Varied Activities within six to twelve months of seeking membership (at least one activity must be school-related)
- Students must have taken on a minimum of 3 Varied Leadership Roles in one or more schools, community related activities within six to twelve months of seeking membership (Leadership roles may have been undertaken within listed school or community related activities)
- Students must have engaged in a minimum of 3 Varied Service Activities with a minimum aggregate of 25 hours for all activities within six to twelve months of seeking membership.
- Students must demonstrate good character based upon criteria outlined in the NHS National Handbook. These ideals may also be found in the NHS website,
What is a Leadership Role?
Position in which a student is or has been directly responsible for directing or motivating others. A formal title such as captain, president, manager, or coach isn't always necessary. Leadership roles most often occur within listed activities. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Class, club, or organization office
- Team captain, co-captain
- Publication editor
- Event or activity organizer, director, or coordinator
- Group, section, or crew leader
- Camp counselor
- Work supervisor, manager, or team leader
- Your coach or teacher
This pertains only to the part that is in receipt of a student’s service. It does not involve who may sign off on the student’s form.
What is a Service Activity?
Work done on behalf of, or help given to others (not including immediate family members) for which no compensation has been given. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Club, organization, or activity volunteer
- Clothing or food drive volunteer
- Usher for open house, play, concert, or school event
- Park, road, school, or community clean-up activity
- Tutor
- Church or mission work
- Worker for charity event or organization
- Volunteer at hospital, nursing home, or youth center
- Volunteer for girls' night out
- Collection effort for charity causes
- Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts volunteer projects
- Neighborhood service
What is character?
The content and quality of a student's behavior is reflective of the high expectations and standards of MAHS and the NHS. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Exhibits high standards of moral, ethical, and cooperative conduct
- Exemplifies cheerfulness, friendliness, stability, and poise
- Complies with school regulations, procedures, and practices
- Is responsible and accountable and graciously accepts criticism
- Follows instructions and is reliable, faithful, and punctual
- Manifests truthfulness, avoids cheating and is unwilling to profit from the mistakes or disadvantages of others
- Actively promotes a positive school and/or community environment
- Actively works to rid the school and/or community of negative influences
What happens after you submit your information sheet?
- Student selection is determined by a five (5) teacher volunteer selection committee.
- Students will be notified of their acceptance or denial by letter.
- Any student that has been denied acceptance may request an appeal to be submitted in writing by letter within ten (10) days of such denial.
- No changes can be made to the information originally submitted on the form.
- No phone calls will be taken.
- Students will be informed by letter of the selection committee appeal findings.